What the "Nation" is all about

Life as a caregiver for a loved one with dementia can be BRUTAL. We know: the people in this community do it every day.

When you take on caring for your loved one, you face a lot of disadvantages that the pros don't have to worry about.

  1. You don't get to clock out and leave your worries behind
  2. It's personal for you; you don't get any objective distance to see things from a less emotional perspective when you're caring for a loved one
  3. Many of us don't have the support of our fellow professionally trained caregivers for advice and backup
  4. You haven't been trained on the skills that caregivers require and are learning by sometimes dangerous trial and error

I could go on, but I'm guessing these points are hitting the spot in your gut where that sinking, exhausted feeling has made its home.

Now imagine this... What if there were a place where you could ask for objective feedback? get candid support from your fellow family caregivers as well as industry professionals, and receive best-in-class training suitable for professionals and family caregivers alike?

Register today and this community, the discussion, the resources, and the training will be completely free. The "little folks" like us, the family caregivers, aren't at a disadvantage anymore once they have the support offered here. Join the elumeNATION and seize the advantage that comes with passionate people working together to provide care for the people we love.

Click the "Join Today" button below to be a part of this amazing community for free. No upsells. No charges. No hidden fees. No ulterior motives. Just great information that will help you be the best for your loved one, and yourself.

the elumeNATION

  • Free
  • Online Education
  • Downloadable Guides
  • Peer and Expert Discussion

You have three options...

1: You can try to do it all on your own and somehow learn what the members of this community have spent collective decades learning. 2: You can keep doing what you're doing right now if it's working for you. Or 3: You can register for this free forum and take advantage of the tremendous amounts of education and empathy available from professional and family caregivers who truly understand.